Friday, April 25, 2014

My favourite piece of technology


             Hello classmetes, today I want to talk about my phone, it is my favourite piece of technology. The truth is that before I had one that was very old, since technology never interested much. But a few month ago, an aunt gave me my current phone. It’s very nice to have, since now I answer my emails much faster, and now I can contact my friends from abroad more efficiently and I read the News instantly.

            This has some consequences, like not being able to spend an hour without checking my phone to see if I received any mail or "whatsapp" or if someone spoke to me by "facebook".

            I really like my phone, it keeps me connected an informed. But sometimes I think how hard my day would be without it. I would feel very solitary!!. I experience this when I don’t have internet access in some places!! This is bad because surely it creates bad habits and addictions. 

Now I want to know what your favourite piece of technology.

Friday, April 11, 2014

My Expectations for a New Semester.

Hello classmates ! Well, today I'll talk a little about my life this semester.

I'm in my third year of psychology, my courses are varied, from educational psychology, clinical psychology, community psychology, labor psychology, and legal psychology. His semester I hope to discover which area of psychology I want to specialize in.

As for the extracurricular courses within the University, I'm attending "yoga " So that my body and mind are connected .

I also do other extracurricular activities , I am a monitor for our university, I go to schools to talk about the careers taught at our university. I also participate in student mobility , someday I hope to go on a country exchange. I also work at an NGO called AIESEC , which seeks to strengthen my "soft skills " .

Another of my activities is to be an assistant in two courses : neurofisología and psychobiology , I love to help and teach what I've learned.

I also volunteer in " teletón " I work with families of children has been one of the best things I've done this semester and I feel happy when I go every Saturday .

Well folks, I hope this semester if full of instances in which we can learn and become better people.


Friday, April 4, 2014

my presentation

Hello to all ! especially to the "pre -intermediate 11" class. my name is Rodrigo Campos. I was born on September 23, 1986 , in a small town in the south of Chile , near Chillan . my childhood and my early studies I did in my town. Since childhood I was always restless, maybe it's because I'm the only child and always have had the attention of my family.
Gladys is my mother , she is an admirable woman! She always worked hard, so I 'm proud of it. Diego, my Father has always cared the happiness of my mother and me. In general, I have a very good relationship with all my family, uncles, aunts , cousins, etc. .
I came to Santiago , three years ago , to study psychology at the University of Chile. I have lived these years with both,  Chilean and foreign students , with many of them  I have a beautiful relationship and they have become part of my family now that they are away in southern Chile.
Well. I love to travel , meet other people and other cultures , theater and visiting parks and museums.

Well guys, I wish you all the success of the world in intermediate English.